Tuesday 16 April 2013

60 Second Film Ideas

1st Idea
  1. Man walks into his house
  2. Throws his coat down
  3. Turns on his radio
  4. News say that North Korea have fired a nuke at England 
  5. Man looks around to see there is no one around him
  6. Man has flash backs of- Meeting a girl, Dating the girl, Falling in love and Breaking up
  7. Close up on his face 
  8. Man grabs his coat and runs out his door
2nd Idea
  1. Two guys arguing about something pointless
  2. Decide there is only one way to decide
  3. Go into two rooms and come out straight away, changed into sports clothes
  4. Go into their garden arena
  5. Rock, paper, scissors match, no one wins
  6. Thumb war, no one wins
  7. Staring contest
  8. One of them wins
  9. Decision is made
  10. Start another argument 
I have chosen to do the second idea because i wanted to create a comic effect and that would be a lot easier and will have a greater effect in the second.
My film will be set in my back garden and living room.

I have decided to call my film Child's Play

Coming up with ideas quickly is good because it gives me a general idea of what i am going to do without wasting time even if somethings need to be changed.

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