This is my final cut for my 60 second film.
The filming went well even though there was another fault with the cameras.
The film was set in a college room which is very clear to the audience.
The final edit turned out a lot better than i thought it was going to considering I only had a short period of time to film the whole sixy seconds and i had to change my idea at the last minute.
If i was to do this again i would make sure that everything was planned before hand so that i do not have to change my idea on the last minute. I would also make sure thast i had a back up plan if something went wrong i had something to go to.
During the editing of this film i learnt how to L cut. This is where I over lapped the sound for clips with other clips. On the over the shoulder shots one of the characters is speaking and the video cuts to a different shot without an interuption in the speech and all in sync.
This is a toutorial of how to do an L cut, to make a cut a lot more smooth.