Tuesday 14 May 2013

180 Degrees Rule

The 180 degree rule is very important when filming. All coverage should be shot from one side of an imaginary line that connects two people that are speaking to each other so that when editing the sequence together the characters are on the right side. For example if you are filming a conversation with over shoulder shots the camera the camera must stay to one side of the line if this does not happen then it will look like the characters are looking in the same direction.
If the 180 degrees rule is followed then this is what it should look like below, the camera is on both of the characters right shoulders to make sure the characters are looking the right way.
This is an image, below, of the 180 degrees rule being broken, it looks like both of the characters have swapped places and talking from the same side. This happens when the camera is on both of the characters left shoulder. The rule can be broken sometimes such as in the shining to create an uneasy feeling for the audience.

Character profiles

Today i learnt how to create a character profile and adapt them so that i am able to create a story around them. Also how to make the audience know what kind of person they are easily. Using these can also help me to create an image in which the characters live in.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Continuity Editing


This is a short video that I edited making sure that there was no continuity errors.

Doing this taught me that I when doing a shoot i should always get multiple camera shots to make sure that there is variety and to keep it interesting. I also learnt that when shooting i should keep an eye on what the actor is doing and tell them to do the same so that when i am editing two shot fit together perfectly.

Shooting for continuity is when you have to take multiple shots of the same sequence but some object in shots may move or change. In order to stop any continuity errors, when something looks different when you change shot, you must move everything back into the same position that it was to start off with. Also the actors must do exactly the same movements in every shot otherwise when editing the sequence together they will be jumping all over the place.
If you do not shoot for continuity then when editing object may move by themselves and when changing between shots it will look very jumpy. Also it will be very confusing for the audience seeing something move across the screen. If it is a serious sequence any continuity errors may make the audience laugh which will destroy any tension that has been built, which may as a whole ruin a film for some viewers.

These are some examples of continuity errors
To stop these continuity errors they should have watched the last shot that they filmed to make sure that all of the set was the same and they should have watched the actors and explained to them what they did in the shot before so that they knew exactly what they were doing to insure no continuity errors.

The next screen shots are of one of my projects, I did not notice this continuity error. Luckily it is not a very obvious one so not a lot of the audience noticed. 

As you can see the phone case has magically jumped off of the phone, this may be because the actor was playing with his phone while i was taking some other shots, but I was not checking out for any continuity errors because I was trying to get the shot done as quickly as possible. This makes my work look a bit un professional. I could have stopped this by having someone on set who looks out for continuity errors.

Although i have edited the actors movements and cutting between shots very well because when i change shots i do not switch on a still shot because if I did it would look very jumpy. An editor should always cut on an action such as someone turning around. If you get the actor to do exactly the same movement in a different shot then it will look very fluent and smooth. Also I have obeyed the 180 degrees rule, I have stayed to the left of the actors to make sure that they are in the same position in each shot. If i were to break the rule it would look like the actors had switched places or the whole room had changed in shape.

Monday 29 April 2013

My 60 second film


This is my final cut for my 60 second film.
The filming went well even though there was another fault with the cameras.
The film was set in a college room which is very clear to the audience.

The final edit turned out a lot better than i thought it was going to considering I only had a short period of time to film the whole sixy seconds and i had to change my idea at the last minute.

If i was to do this again i would make sure that everything was planned before hand so that i do not have to change my idea on the last minute. I would also make sure thast i had a back up plan if something went wrong i had something to go to.

During the editing of this film i learnt how to L cut. This is where I over lapped the sound for clips with other clips. On the over the shoulder shots one of the characters is speaking and the video cuts to a different shot without an interuption in the speech and all in sync.

This is a toutorial of how to do an L cut, to make a cut a lot more smooth.

Thursday 25 April 2013

Filming Fault

I have had to change my idea for my film because there was a fault with the equipment that prevented me filming.
When filming the second time i decided to stick to the story just add a few lines of dialogue and only have a staring contest.
It is now set in a college room.
From this i learnt to remember to charge the camera for a longer amount of time before shooting anything.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Script for Child's Play

Person 1- C'mon the road runner could definitely destroy Daffy duck

Person 2- NO way daffy is mental

Person 1- There's only one way to decide this!


Person 2- OK it's sorted, the roadrunner would win

Person 1- What about the Human torch and Iron man?

Person 2- Iron Man by far

Person 1- WHAT?!


Living room has a sofa and bits and bobs. Back garden will have a ring table and a barbeque.
Local conditions
Easy access because it is my own house. The ambiance will not intrude. 
Selected viewpoints
Most of the view points will be easily accessed. Some of the inside shots will be hard to get to.
There should not be many intrusions but there may be a few door knocks and door bells
Have permission
There will be light coming through the window, if it is dark we can put the room lights on. When filming outside it might get a bit dark which would be a massive continuity error.
There should not be any noise inside the house. Noise outside the house will not affect anything because there will be music over the top
The weather is meant to be sunny all day so it will not interfear
There may be some continuity errors but i will look back at the videos to make sure that everything stays the same
Set dressing
There will be a couch on the inside and in the garden there will be a ring set up of chairs and rope
Should not take long to set up, will not take long to get there
Count down from three when we start recording then edit out the useless bits
We will not need security, we will be with the equipment at all times

I am filming today Tuesday 23rd of April and the weather is fine for me to film outside without the actors, the equipment or me getting wet. Also the light lasts for a long time so there hopefully will not be any problem with it getting dark. This also means that i will have a longer time to film to make sure i have everything.